innovation through knowledge

San Miguel Crafts

San Miguel Crafts

A visual research about which crafts can we find on a kilometer radius from our studio.  One of the skills any good designer must have is the knowledge to make anything- a skill that comes with an exhilarating sense of being able to make whatever you want, just because you can.

But what if this skill were used in a context where are makers everywhere?

Having our studio in México City, in a context where many people become makers for financial reasons, could be both a blessing and a curse.

This project was developed for the magazine Do Flex Test commissioned by independent curator Regina Pozo for The British Council.


Client: The British Council, Buró Buró & Independent curator Regina Pozo.

Concept: José de la O.

Research: Natalia Becerra.

Illustrations: Natalia Becerra & Miguel Ramírez.

Product Design: José de la O, Miguel Ramírez, Natalia Becerra and Dafne Ríos.